assalamulaikum orang- orang kampung..hihi
how's ur day..hope...kita sntiasa berada ddlm lndungan n ksh syg Allah...He always protect us..alhamdulillah
" when you're going through something hard and you start wondering where ALLAH is , just remember , the teacher is always quiet during test "
ehemmm..ummyti x tahu nk merepek apa ni dlm entry kali ni..hihi tapi...this months is a a hepi month for me ...that why iollss call " hepi oktober " alamakkk...hepi la sesangat kannn....ummyti masukkan entry ni time tengah mengantukk sesangat dah kebetulan kelas bisnes law memang xdak dlm ms 2 hr ni..soo..mau tau tau la kann...haha xkn nk study law d petang yg syahdu ni... ( style x ingt lps raya haji ni ada final exam..haha )
anyway..baru- baru ni ummyti ada p kola perelis nuhh....erm...time tu redup ja...teringin nk tengok n tangkap gambar dgn view yg x dapat..huhu.. tak pa lahh..mngkin len kali ja...anyway...ada jgk gambar..haha
ahaaa...besarrr punya gambooo......>,<
dan..yesss... Allah knows the best for us... ( org jerit pulak tengahari cenggini..dh knpa..)
if kita ada masalah...dan kerap ngadu kat someone yg kita sangat tu mesti akn ckp mcm ni...sabar...Allah tgh merancang sesuatu yg terbaik buat kita...Allah x akn duga kita dgn sesuatu yg kita x boleh nk hadapi..kita pasti boleh...dan kita adalah insan yg terpilih utk nk hadapi dugaan tuu..that's why..Dia pilih kita...bkn tanda murka..tapi tanda Dia sangat SAYANG dengan kita..bersangka baik dear.. betul x??
" move on and live your life rather than holding onto past and keep regretting about it. even if it hurtss, but at least you're living your life, and that's a better one "
mungkin org akn cakap..senang la hang nk cakap...sbb hg x lalui..kann...dah tuuuuu...( mata juling ke tepi ) hidup hanya sekali..buat la apa yg kita nak..janji x langgar syariat dan hukum Allah.. Allah tahu...
last but not least girl....this for you...
Woman to Woman
Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone's house will be bigger. Someone will drive a better car. Someone will earn more. Someone will travel more. Just let it go. Take care of yourself. Love yourself and your circumstances. The prettiest, slimmest woman in the world may have sadness in her heart. The most highly favored woman in your office may not be able to have children. That married friend of urs might not be happy in her marriage.The richest woman you know may have the car, the house, and the clothes - but might be very lonely. So, love yourself. Love who you are right now. Tell yourself "I am too blessed to be stressed." Be well. Be happy. Be blessed. Pass this on to encourage another woman because, "To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world".
" i am important, you are important. and the only thing, we should accept is everyone is important. and the only thing we should do is to, Cherish our life that is important as made by The One who's important.
because it does important at someone important...
anyway...ummyti ada exam lepas raya haji ni..plezz..plez...plez....pray for me...i want to make my parents proud with me...
thanks for ur time...time for ur day.. " moga Allah jaga "
ummyti |